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Writer's picturePastor Bruce

A Note from Pastor Bruce

Beloved People of God,

On October 27, 2024, we will celebrate Reformation Sunday. On this day we celebrate the heart of our faith: the gospel of Christ—the good news—that makes us free! We give thanks for the events of the sixteenth century Reformation that brought renewal to the church and pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to reform us and mold us into the Body of Christ. On that same Sunday, we will celebrate with five of our youth as they affirm their baptisms and are made confirmed members of the church. And, as hard as it is for me to believe, I will be celebrating my 24th anniversary as your pastor. It has, and continues to be, my privilege to serve with you at St. Stephen. So much has happened in the past 24 years. One thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that the church is

still being reformed!

Three examples of the continuous reformation of the church include our Future Site Planning Team, our Position Description Team, and a soon to be Church Safe Team, which have been established by our Congregation Council. The Future Site Planning Team, including Ted Herncane, Mike Carr, Milt Studer, Cliff Varian, Pastor Potsko, and me, is working to discern our ability and willingness to expand and enhance our facility so that we can continue to grow in worship and service to the community. The Position Description Team, comprised of Scott Varian, Brandon Lands, Debbie Koyle, and me, has been hard at work reviewing our current position descriptions and preparing for transitions when Pastor Herb retires. The Church Safe Team is still forming but will review all our safety plans and policies for our church to ensure our ability to gather freely. All three teams have the goal to be

good stewards of our ministry and the gifts with which God has blessed us as we continue to grow in the Spirit of God.

With all the good work happening in our midst I am forever mindful that it was now fifty-seven years ago, a group of people had a vision to share the love of Christ in this community through a new mission church called St. Stephen Martyr. Much has changed since we worshipped in the folding chairs down at the Lake Cable Clubhouse. Amid the continuous reformation by God’s grace, our mission remains the same. Our mission continues to be to help people experience God’s love so they can grow to love like Christ. Our vision is still to be an exceptional community of believers committed to sharing Christ’s love, so that our priorities more closely reflect the Kingdom of God.

I hope and pray that you will join me in this ongoing reformation as we continue to share God’s love.

Thanks, and Peace,

Pastor Bruce

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