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Welcome to
St. Stephen

Welcome to St. Stephen Martyr, a church where love lives!  We are a vibrant community of faith who are passionate about sharing the love of Christ with others. Our mission and purpose is to help you experience God's love so you can grow to love like Christ.

We are committed to creating an atmosphere of acceptance, love, and belonging. No matter who you are or where you come from, you are welcome here. Our vision is to be an exceptional community of believers, committed to sharing Christ's love, so that our priorities more closely reflect the Kingdom of God.

Image by OurWhisky Foundation

Get involved in our small groups!

Contact Pastor Andrew to find out more
  • Cheer Squad! - An intergenerational group devoted to encouraging our high school students at sporting events and concerts!

  • LifeSkills 101 - This is a way to teach our youth all the “How To’s” that are really important when they’re on their own.

  • Breakfast Club - A weekly gathering for our retirees, stay at home parents, or early risers for work​

  • We’re So Board - A monthly board game night for adults who just want to have fun.​

  • Thursday Night Bible Study - We’ll meet at UnHitched Brewing every Thursday night at 5:30 for dinner, drinks, conversation around life and God’s word

  • Friends In Faith - We’re rebooting this group again since Covid threw a wrench into our meetings so be on the lookout for upcoming events!

Kids’ Church / Sunday School / Confirmation

Contact Stephanie Liotti to find out more

Kids' Church, designed for children in kindergarten through fifth grade, will feature worship
songs, prayer, a monthly memory verse, weekly Bible stories and lessons, the Lord's Prayer, and an offering.​

For children in preschool, a weekly Bible story time will be available beginning at 9:30 a.m., while our older students attend Kids’ Church. Immediately following Kids' Church, (around 10:00 a.m.) our Sunday School will provide a small group setting where children, including our preschoolers, can engage in follow-up activities and crafts to reinforce the week's lesson.

Confirmation classes are for students in grades 6-8. Confirmation classes allow students to explore their faith as they learn about Christ and our Lutheran beliefs. Confirmation helps prepare students to affirm their baptisms as they enter high school. Students will meet at 9:30 a.m. on the first 3 Sundays of every month. On the fourth Sunday they will worship together at the Gathering Service.


Upcoming Events

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